Wicked Sims

Staff Section => Sims by Jessica => Jessica's Archive => Downloads Migrated => Themed => Topic started by: Jessica on October 28, 2006, 08:08:02 PM

Title: Halloween 2006 -- Harem
Post by: Jessica on October 28, 2006, 08:08:02 PM
Here is part 11 of my "Halloween 2006" Collection.
This is a beautiful harem girl...she's an adult

by Enayla (mts2)
eyebrows,eyeliner,lipcolor: by Barcelonista (mts2)
skintone: by thesimssi2 (http://glance.thechambre.com)
eyeshadow: by Helaene (http://www.helaene.com)
veil: by me, mesh by Rose (you need to go HERE (http://simstv.com/sims2accessory02.htm) to download the mesh)
hair: XMSims (you need to go HERE (http://xmsims.com/sims2/ehtm/hair/hair41.htm) to download the mesh)
costume: by me (mesh by Chriko (http://www.2-f0r-u.de/startsims2.htm) is included)

edited by jessica: fixed broken attachments
Title: Re: Halloween 2006 -- Harem
Post by: Taeryunn on November 01, 2006, 01:05:30 AM
Red is my favorite color... now we see why ;)
Title: Re: Halloween 2006 -- Harem
Post by: Yakov on October 28, 2007, 02:28:00 AM
well bugger me =(

naturally, SimsTV has gone defunct and the mesh for the veil isn't at the graveyard =(