You guessed it. This is an apartment. Each unit is a 1 bedroom 1 bath with kitchen/living combo. Also there is a driveway for 2. Easily convert to dorm and perfect for it too!! I'm surprised it's under 20k seeing as it is fully furnished.
Lot Size: 2x3
Price: $14,227
Requires: (
Content Included:
Becks Exterior Door by rebecah (
Retrospective Set - Five Pane Split by zookini @ MTS2
Kotij Window by Wil-Redfern
All 4ESF Outdoor plants by 4ESF (
Garden Primula, AS_Creation_Garden Recol by shakeshaft @ TSR
Eponymous Garden and Classic Plant by Kate (
Nengi's big Oleander by nengi65
All XM Sims plants by
All Studio K Walls and Floors (used with permission) by hagerks2 (