Wicked Sims
Staff Section => Retired Creators Downloads => Downloads Migrated => Buy Mode => Topic started by: sleepless_angel on May 09, 2008, 06:47:16 AM
Some sheet music for sims with pianos & violins. There are two sets:
Classical, including, Mozart, Grieg, Vivaldi, Bach, Beethoven, Schubert + more
NIN, including, A Warm Place, The Frail, Right Where It Belongs + more
There are 20 sheets in total. Meshes are included in the zips.
Credit & Thanks :flowers
Meshes by Aikea Guinea - Club Crimsyn (http://www.clubcrimsyn.com/)
Original scores by
Classical scores - Free-Scores.com (http://www.free-scores.com/)
NIN scores - Know The Score (http://www.theninhotline.net/knowthescore/)
OMG. I love this. I love you.
*grabs and runs away to clutter up the Sims houses*
Good idea, perfect for piano clutter. Thank you.
I've been looking for some plain sheet music forever! Thank you! :D
Gaaaaaaahhhh.... so wonderful! Eleventy-billion thanks!!
Ooh! Lovley :D Thank you :D
Thanks for the comments all! And thank you Aikea, for making such useful meshes!! :heart:
WOW! These are great! Thank you!
So glad you like them! :grin
Thank you, they look very fine!
I always put a piano in my houses, I love music and this contribute to make "ambient". (sorry about my english, I don't practise very much).
Thank you so much, i love these :bow
I started squealing when I saw these. These are fantastic! JUST what I needed! thank you!!! :bow
Thanks so much for the comments!! :D
I'm probably going to spend about an hour zooming in and trying to figure out what pieces the classical ones are, and wishing I had a better graphics card so that I could see the notes. XD Thanks for this. Do they work on the grand piano as well as the upright?
You can place them on any surface. If you want to place them on a piano, like I did in the previews, you must use OMSPs.
The one for the piano can be found here: http://hideki.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=225215
Also, if you want to know what pieces they are you can always check the file names. :D
Here's the classical list:
Bach - Air
Beethoven - Für Elise & Moonlight
Greig - Morgenstimmung
Mozart - Requiem & Rondo Alla Turca
Schubert - Einsamkeit
Vivaldi - Spring
Unknown - Romance d Amour & Tristis Est Anima Mea
thanks so much, these are lovely!
Oh those are awsome! :D Thankyou!
Awesome, thank you