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Introductions / Re: Intro from a new member.
« Last post by JenW on August 23, 2008, 08:21:49 AM »
Hi Kyle, nice to meet you! Glad you're enjoying the forum, and yes, we're all addicted lol!
Buy Mode / Wall Scribblies! (former WNF gift)
« Last post by JenW on August 23, 2008, 07:58:09 AM »
Wall scribbles! One in English (Rasputina lyrics), two in Simlish (the same Rasputina lyrics and "EAxis sucks!"  ^_^), and two swirly doodly things I've been doing since high school. Aikea's wall deco mesh included.

Buy Mode / Uneasy Listening: goth records (former WNF gift)
« Last post by JenW on August 23, 2008, 07:55:31 AM »

Mesh by Sasilia/Pure Sims included. Artists include Tiamat, Cruxshadows, Christian Death, Bella Morte, and more.
Male / *Exclusive* WNF Aspiration Reward July 08: Dark Entries
« Last post by sleepless_angel on August 20, 2008, 05:09:08 AM »
This is a former WNF Aspiration Reward Set item I made for July 2008.

Dark Entries
3 Outfits for AM
Mesh by Aikea Guinea @ included.

Introductions / Re: Intro from a new member.
« Last post by sleepless_angel on August 19, 2008, 09:55:45 AM »
 :hi Welcome to Wicked Sims, Kyle!
And yes, you're among like minded here. I'm exactly the same way, lol. :hug
Introductions / Intro from a new member.
« Last post by playerkyle429 on August 18, 2008, 06:18:52 PM »
Hello everyone, my name is Kyle and this is my first forum type thingy,   :omy  :blush
i am very nervous and don't really have anything interesting to say just at the moment, apart from i sleep very little and sit infront of a screen very much  :blink
i have been playing the sims for about 5 or 6 years and am completely obsessed, i constantly need new material for my game and i am very chuffed to have found so much here already!  :)
it's nice to talk to like minded people  :bow and i wish i had done it before, gets very lonely in sim land  :lol
nice to meet you all :hug
Buy Mode / Non-fiction: Textbooks, reference books, and more
« Last post by JenW on August 18, 2008, 06:15:06 PM »
There will be more books coming, but I've got enough done (and have done enough spamming of the creations thread lol) to go ahead and throw some out into the world. This time we have lots of non-fiction books: textbooks and reference books including many medical books. This is actually two sets, one of which is exclusively references for writers and more of those will be coming on other meshes (hence the part 1 on the pic). Complete list of titles...

In the writer's ref pack:

Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 11th edition
Chicago Manual of Style, 14th edition and 15th edition

In the other pack:

Gray's Anatomy, one clean and one grungy
Gray's Anatomy, beat-up leatherbound copy from 1862
Textbook of Musculskeletal Medicine
The Human Body: What it is and How it Works (a Deluxe Golden Book)
A Concise Glossary of Architectural Terms
Architecture to Landscape
Brazil: Paradise of Gemstones
Birds of Britain
Creating Their Own Image: The History of African-American Artists
Educational Facilities Planning
Perspektiva (I think this is a Hungarian architecture textbook)
Special Relativity: A Modern Introduction
Rawleigh's Good Health Guide and Cookbook
Vintage Fashion
Health Habits
Chemisch-technische Bibliothek (I believe this is a very old German chemistry book)
How to Survive an Atomic Bomb
Animals of the Bible (by Asimov)

I think that's it *whew* Mesh is Mirake's Oala book, mesh is not included but you can get it for free on TSR and it's been included with previous sets.
Introductions / Re: Hello Everyone!
« Last post by sleepless_angel on August 17, 2008, 05:42:58 AM »
Hi, Axa! Welcome to Wicked Sims! :D
Introductions / Hello Everyone!
« Last post by Axa on August 16, 2008, 08:55:18 AM »
I just joined and wanted to say hi :)

I've been playing sims since it first came out and still play TS1 ocasionally. I also create CC, mostly clothes and will upload some of my work soon.

A little about me:
I enjoy a variety of music, my favorites are dnb,industrial,tribal & darkwave. I read mostly sci-fi and mystery / suspense, unfortunately I haven't been able to do that much lately. I'm kind of obsessed with bags,shoes and clothes.  :lol: Right now I'm learning to make different foods (only started a fire once  :x)

Introductions / Re: Hello!
« Last post by sleepless_angel on August 16, 2008, 03:17:22 AM »
Welcome to Wicked Sims, Yavanna! :D
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