hey, in new here and thought id introduce myself, heres some basic info
name: annie
location: my room! lol
age: 14
fave color: black
fave food: green eggs and ham
hair color: dark brown
fave band: linkin park or mae
piercings/tatoos: earlobes/nope
strange habits: lay on the floor (even if its a public place, who cares), strange attraction to corners, i chew plastic (sometimes i even swallow it by accident whoops)
hate: water and sun (ooohh too bad) fake people, coffee (yuk), girly stuff.
-in all the quizzes i take im always either a goth or a social outcast, but hey, who believes in quizzes anyway? (altho i cant say quizzes are TOTALLY wrong
wink wink) but im kind and always willing to help too.. but you dont wanna mess with me lol nah, im pretty much of friendly *evil grin*
lol, just copied an old survey XD
oh, and i found this site by clicking on the links page of another site.. nice name btw lol
and pretty interesting things youve got here
i like a lot jessicas sims and just give me a little time to check out all the amazing stuff that im missing
so see ya round
die strange