I started building this house because I wanted to make a few homes that you can find on the Gulf Coast, but what I ended up with looks nothing like the original!
Wickes Pointe is the name of an area west of Mobile that was totally devastated by Hurricane Ivan, an area that is still trying to rebuild. We here in Greenville have only just recovered, and we're in Central Alabama! Ivan sat on top of us for 18 hours before moving on, toppling an old Pecan tree in my yard which wiped out the upper floor of my house and crushed my brand new car!
So, since that area and this one both have a renewed sense of self and hope, as well as a greater sense of community, I decided to fiddle with the original home and build this one, like a kind of rebirth.
It's a beautiful home, as you can see by the pics, with two bedrooms and a master suite that dominates the entire second floor. I spent a lot of time landscaping this home, so I hope you'll enjoy it!
The best part is, there is NO custom content! I was beginning to have my doubts that I could even build a home without it, so Yay for me! It was hard, though...temptation almost got the better of me quite a few times.
Coo Coo Katchoo,
NOTE: This is the third house in my Gulf Coast series, the other two being Cayman Court and Perdido Bay.