This home is not exactly an exclusive since it was on the Sims2 Exchange for a very brief period of time (about 3 days) before it got culled. Those lucky enough to see the original version of this home in that brief time seemed to like it, and I say to them, "Aww shucks".
The Wicked Sims version of this home is much better. From improved landscaping and wallpaper in the kitchen (oops,
) to a cleaner, smaller download package, and even much better screen shots, this home is 150% better than what was originally posted on the Exchange.
I couldn't really see the real house initially as I drove past it one hot, summer day, but I had a feeling that behind those security gates and beyond that cute security guard lay something special. While I was contemplating jumping the fence to get some pictures, a friend of mine commented that she was going to see the lady of the house that day to sell her some Mary Kay cosmetics, so I abandoned my shady plan and tagged along as a 'trainee'. The shots that follow took my breath away. I hope they leave you breathless, too.
Now for the Thank Yous and shout-outs. Without these fine and creative peeps, this house would not have been possible:
Brighten11 at the Exchange. Seriously, this gal is da bomb! Her walls and floors are priceless! Check out her page: Sim-ply wonderful folks at MTS2: Numenor and the Dream Team (sounds like a superhero team, huh?) for the Grand Trianon Collection, Mickyss for a mahvelous corner bath tub, Simveggie for poppy and pansy recolors, and Havelok for a great fountain recolor.
Khaibit, HabboArwen, LyricLee, rentechd, Boo, Rib640, and Franky from the Exchange for their floors, terrain paint, and Frankys fabulous mini cypress.
Skye at SterlingSims2 for the walls, for the roof tile, the Sim Goddesses for their walls, and SnowStorm at for the ceiling fans.
Thanks to Frances at for the unique bathroom fixture that is in the real house and I only found the sims version at this site...whew!
4EFS for their gorgeous plants, for their unique plantlife, and sims2world for their plants with german names.
Seems like a lot of people to thank, but this house is worth the effort, and they all deserve the praise for their work. I added the real pictures mostly so you can get some ideas on decorating and also to give everyone a taste of how the other half lives...wish I was part of that half LOL!
Let me know how much you enjoy the home!