Hello, all. The name I go by online is Nukapei, but my given name is Caitlin. I'm 21 years old, and live in rural Virginia, nestled into the mountains. Live here is interesting -- the southern traditions and rituals (that make me laugh at the accuracy of each of OolongAiki's posts) clash with the students who come from all over the country and the world to go to the nearby University of Virginia. And, yes, out here you wave to every pedestrian and old man in a beat-up pickup truck you pass while driving, whether you know them or not.
I am a creator as well, mostly real estate (I love houses, and the way they come together) and mostly smaller homes (I don't cheat with my families, and I loose interest fast, so I don't think I've ever actually hung around with a family until they're able to afford a 100k home). I specialize in starter homes, actually, as the world cannot have too many of those. I also do a bit of clothing and genetics, especially simple stuff.
I found this place off a link of a link of a link, and decided to join. Even though I'm not too crazy about the 'different boards for different artists' concept many forums tend to adopt (so stuff gets thrown all over the place), this seems like a nice community to come over and look at, then join. And I absolutely adore InSIMenator, which is laid out the same way.
That's about it, I believe. Thanks for having such a wonderful community!