I can tell right now that you and I are going to be fast friends! First there is your avatar: Superman is the ONLY man I can see myself falling in love with. He's been one of my heroes since I could read! (age 3, BTW, and I'm 38 now) Then there is your taste in movies...I am also a movie addict. I buy around three new movies a week, sometimes more, and also collect movie memorabilia. In fact, I have the original movie poster for "Revenge of the Jedi" before they changed the name, and also original movie posters for all four of Romero's "Dead" movies, as well as a few other choice items. I also collect comics, and wore the black armband for a week after the death of Superman...speaking of which, the powers that be recently killed Captain America...WTF is up with that?!
Wow, I went a loooong way to say Welcome to Wicked Sims!