Good Greetings Everyone!
I just thought I would warn.... I mean introduce myself to everybody.
My name is Molly and you can call me that or Chibi, which ever you prefer or remember the easiest.
I'm a 26 year old female living in the United States with a silly roommate and 5 cuddles in the form of 2 Dogs and 3 cats. My roommate will hence be forth known as *Bob* and the Dogs are 1 Male:Sam and 1 Female:Missy. And the three cats are siblings, 2 Brothers and 1 sister, that *Bob* and I found in the bushes without a Mom, hungry, scared and all alone.
But now they are fat, happy, sassy and have a Mommy and a Daddy that love and spoil them very much.
The 2 Brothers are known as Lote and Yoshimi (It's from a song and it's about a female but Mommy(Me) mistook him for a female for all of 2 seconds, which is how long it took Daddy(*Bob*) to come up with the name and the argument that maybe Yoshimi wants to be a girl and we would be horrible parents if we didn't let him be "herself"... So he is stuck with the name Yoshimi
*giggles*) and their sister is Nell (the only tiny cat between the three).
I'm working on returning back to school after a long hiatus to life due to an ongoing illness. I want to eventually earn a Masters/Doctorates degree in Elementary Education and English Literature. My main focus will be on Education though. And I may drop the English Lit and just work on getting a doctorate in Education.
I have been playing the Sims 2 for a little over 6 months now and have been hooked since the first day I received my Uncles old copy of TS2. I was very spoiled because he also put on all the EPs (Up to Season) he had and Stuff packs (Except H&M) on the brand new computer that he and my Aunt bought for me as a "I'm sorry Nealix, your laptop, is sick and the place from which you got it from is going back on the warranty you paid almost $300.00 for." I have a very awesome family.
I enjoy playing the game and my favorite thing to do is build houses and such. I discovered the Custom Content World on accident when I found a Sims 2 movie on youtube and followed the links to the sites whose contents they had used. I've been a downloading fiend since.
When I'm not busy downloading super awesome creations for the Sims 2, I enjoy reading, writing, music, my family and friends, my animals, Drawing and Painting, though I suck at both (My sister got the talent Gene and hardly ever uses it
) I'm very much a forum addict and tend to like the small close knit forums than the huge 500000000 billion member ones. I don't ever just sign up to get to the downloads on smaller forums and even in the larger ones I rarely ever download anything and I will still post a few times here or there. I'm a friendly outgoing girl with a lot of time on my hands (at least until I get back into school).
Sometimes a little too friendly and outgoing.
I look forward to getting to know everyone here and hopefully one day I will actually learn how to mesh and create like I'd like too. I also am interested in making Sim stories and Movies. But that's all going to take a long time for me.
P.S... I um tend to ramble, so sorry.