Some may know me; I have a little Sims site. But my stuff gets boring, so I stalk ~ I mean
follow great creators wherever they may go, which is how Nouk led me here without even knowing it. I've loved her hair meshes ever since I first saw one at MTS2 back in...what was it? 1929 maybe? It was so long ago, computers hadn't even been invented yet. Mm-hmm.
Seriously, I was just blown away when I saw all the
artistic talent amassed here in one place. I was
supposed to be thinning out my downloads so my game doesn't take an hour to load. I can see that's not going to be happening any time soon.
Introduction. Well, I have a 25 year old daughter and a 27 year old son, but strangely enough, I'm barely out of my twenties myself. Mentally. I live in California with this hairy old truck driver named Melomel who treats me like the queen that I am (to heck with jewelry, he gives me COMPUTER HARDWARE!), plus seven fat cats and one skinny one, two ravenous rats, and the ghost of my grandmother who drops things on my head. School? I don't remember! Jobs? Not lately, thanks to various mental and physical disorders. Favorite music? Rock.
LOUD! (I blew out my subwoofer a couple of months ago.
) Favorite color? Blue and green, equally. Or maybe turquoise... Is there anything else? If you want my height and weight, you're going to have to beat it out of me.