Hello, my name is Yakov, I am half-Russian, half-English, I am a university
student in the Unites States. I was born and raised in Sankt Peterburg, Russia.
I have been away from Mother Russia for 14 years and can barely speak Russian as
well as a 4 year old now.
I am an administrator at InIMenator.net and a mod at GaySimsClub2.net; my girlfriend or goddess or partner or whatever she is - it is a very complicated thing - Marvine and I are best known for making male bodybuilder meshes for
The Sims 2.
This will be far easier than ad-libbing it
PersonalWhat name should we call you? beosboxboy, Yakov, Jack, Jim, BBB, Hey You!, Schmada Boy, that mesh guy, whatsisname - but not Jim-Bob or Sponge Bob
Significant other, children, pets? 1 cat and a female partner in crime that may or may not be my girl-friend - I am afraid to ask
Where in the world do you live? Currently Marshall University, Huntington, West Virginia, USA
Where do you wish you lived? Home: St Petersburg, Russia
Occupation? University student
Any occupation you'd rather be in? international gigolo and kept man
What kind of music do you like? dislike? Like Euro-pop dance; DO NOT LIKE
death-metal, country-western, alternative, seattle-sound, garage bands, punk,
hrm... let's say just about everything but dance music.
If you could have a day alone with anyone (from the past or from today)?Vladimir Putin, current Russian President
TV show you never miss? I don't even own a telly
Favorite food: Involtini Pizzaiola (veal filled with Parma Ham and
mozzarella cooked in tomato sauce with garlic and oregano)
Favorite drink: I don't drink, long story
Color? Purple
Book you read over and over? Boris Pasternak's
Dr Zhivago Biggest Pet Peeve(s): activist sorts that are more prima dona than
Hobbies: re-colouring Sims 2 items/clothing
How did you get your current screen name? Be Operating System
Favorite game other than the Sims? Hrm... Pet'ka 5
Birthdate: 26 May 1972
Do you have a website?: yes,
http://www.insimenator.net/Favorite quote: "We are to guard against ourselves; not against ourselves
as we are, but as we may be; for who can imagine what we may become under
circumstances not now imaginable?" --Thomas Jefferson to Jedidiah Morse, 1822
Sim StuffHow long have you been simming? Since original Sims
What is your favorite Sim site? all of them
Favorite style of decorating for your Sims? Themes, I guess modernish or
Favorite Sims object? beds
Downloads you cannot resist? Good or real-life stuff for guys
Downloads you'll never download? Nursery re-colours
Have you killed any Sims? NPCs, the cow mascot was the first to feel the
divine hand move accross the surface of her life
Why or why not? Have you played the Uni EP?
(if yes) How have you killed your Sims? Sealing her up in a bit of the
Aging on or aging off? off - always - if they have kids I use the
age-transition cheat on the Tombstone of Life and Death