ok my hosting provider put up an error page yesterday while i was browsing the forum stating we were maxing out our allowed cpu usage. it was a warning, meaning that if it keeps happening they are going to want to put us on a virtual private server (which costs about $50 to $120 a month depending on if its paid a year in advance or not) even though we arent using anywhere near the max allowed for anything else (bandwidth, space, etc). I am guessing its because of our little forum here lol
to help reduce our cpu usage i have disabled searching, changed a few things in the admin area and I turned the forum off for 8 hours last night 3pm to 11pm.
I am sorry you guys cant search right now, you may also experience a "logged out" issue (meaning you may get logged out if you're on the forum for awhile), and there are other minor things that hopefully wont effect you.
I spent a little bit of time thinking about this yesterday but then got distracted by my youngest sister's highschool graduation (which led to a serious headache im still trying to get rid of) but the main idea i had was to separate WickedSims2 and the forum onto a separate account (or with an entirely new host) or something because there is no way i could afford a server lol
anyways i havent come up with a real solution yet, but hopefully we won't be continuing to have problems.
In the meantime: when you sign on, please take your time before switching pages and if you notice alot of people are on at the same time, please leave and come back later if you have the flexability in your schedule.
I may end up making it so that the forum is offline for a few random hours each day, but dont be concerned, its just so we dont overload the server

thank you so much!