Hi! My name is Erin and I am very addicted to Sims 2.
Actually, I have played a lot of Sims related games but now got totally hooked on this one. I have most of the expansion packs that is currently out. I don't have Pets and Bon Voyage. I know I will get Bon Voyage, but not too sure that I want pets in my games. I have two of the Stuff Packs: Family Fun Stuff and Celebration Stuff.
I want to thank all of you for your fantastic downloadable custom content -- it is gorgeous and beautiful.
Besides playing Sims 2, I also love X-Files.
One of my fellow X-Files fans told me about Sims 2 (I played the original Sims, Sim City, Sim Tower) and she told me about it. She knew I played the original Sims and she totally rec Sims 2 to me. I bought it and well, I am hooked! I play it for hours and hours!
Of course, I have breaks for other things that are important.
But yeah, I am totally excited about this time. Now I am blabbing about it to all of my family.