Author Topic: Donations NO LONGER Needed -- Switching Hosting Providers  (Read 8656 times)

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Offline Jessica

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Donations NO LONGER Needed -- Switching Hosting Providers
« on: January 05, 2007, 02:29:53 AM »
Wicked Sims is a year old on February 7th! :party
To celebrate our "birthday" we will be switching hosting providers (I know, exciting huh? lol)

Anyways I know alot of you may just have the forum bookmarked and therefore didn't see that I completely changed the donation page.
Our donation page:
So I am reposting the info I put there and adding a little bit here.

New Information (changes made to donation page):

I recently decided I will be changing to a different hosting provider starting at the end of February since we are paid up through the beginning of March with our current provider.

This new hosting provider:
  • costs $60 per year (my current host costs 2-3xs that amount)
  • requires payment up-front (I don't have that large of a chunk of spare money after my living expenses)
  • no setup fees
  • unmetered bandwidth (Unmetered means "unmeasured." It does not mean "unlimited.")
  • provides most of the stuff my current provider has given me
  • just as reliable as current provider
  • the new host is currently hosting major sites like noukiesims/maty/pmbd/etc.

Our current hosting provider is one of the top 10 webhosts and is absolutely wonderful, it just costs too much (even though its cheaper than ALOT of other webhosts and actually gives me more for less).

What does all this mean?
Well I would appreciate any help you guys could give me with the fees to switch hosts. I won't be switching until around the end of February but I thought I'd tell you ahead of time in case you'd like to help. Even if all you can contribute is $1 or $2, that's fine...every little bit helps (although paypal takes almost $1 out of your donation for their fees).

This also means that the sites we offer free hosting to (Pernille's Pages, Provocative-Pixie, SimplyVogue, and Sims2Crave) are also going to be effected.

Once we have switched to the new host I will no longer need the donation page up (or any info on the forum about donations--like this thread) and will remove it since it's only here for help with hosting fees.

It will take me a little while to get everything sorted out when the time comes.

If you have questions or want more info, please feel free to message me.

Thank You for visiting Wicked Sims, and to our members--you are wonderful and we're glad you joined our little corner of the sims community.

 :hug :hug :hug
Big Hugs for You

Offline Inge Jones

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Re: Donations Needed -- Switching Hosting Providers
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2007, 02:51:31 AM »
I wanted to ask if you met your donation target yet for your site move?  I was pondering donating cos I always like to see people getting cheaper hosting!

Offline Jessica

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Re: Donations Needed -- Switching Hosting Providers
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2007, 01:42:05 PM »
Ok I needed to unlock this thread, move inges post here, and now reply to it. It's more like an update to my original post than a response to it though lol I will also be updating the donation page right now too.

Alot has happened since I made the decision to switch hosting providers....we added new sites to our family: Dour Sim and Poison Pink Lemons (PPL isnt done setting up yet) :)
I have been doing calculations once a week to see if we'd be able to fit under one of the two plans that the offshore hosting provider offers.
If I move to them as I had planned, I will have to choose the $99/year plan instead because we are currently right at the edge of the available space on the cheaper plan. I asked them why they don't offer more space or more plans and the customer service rep said:
Josephine: it is because we want to prevent file sharing websites in running in our shared servers
Josephine: if you are doing normal web hosting and email with a an applicaton running, 10GB is more than sufficient
Well not if you are hosting sims2 download sites lol
Anyways, I have been comparison shopping to look for alternatives...I have done this so much my head is constantly hurting and my eyes ache lol....and I've been asking customer service people lots of questions to make sure I have all the info I need....
I found 2 alternatives that offer me about as much as my current host offers me for a cheaper price
If I choose to move to the cheaper of the two, it will cost $95/year and they have unmetered bandwidth and lots more space...and all kinds of other great stuff. Plus they have excellent customer service (the live-chat guy spent half an hour answering all my questions lol) and they accept PayPal (which will make it alot easier to pay them since I won't have to move the donations out of my paypal account). And I can always upgrade if necessary (I highly doubt it will be though lol)
So I won't be moving to the offshore hosting provider,  I will be moving to 1 of the 2 alternatives I found and still getting the unmetered bandwidth and everything else I was looking for.

The goal is now $95 and we are already half way there....It is cheaper to pay for a year in advance and there is no setup fee if you pay for a year....I could still use donations if any of you want to help out

Once we move, no more donation buttons! Yay :)

The only problem with the $95/year plan: I can't move all the domains at once, I have to setup the main one first then I can addon the other ones. This just means maybe a few days of downtime for our family of sites and I will have to make sure to do the moving before our time with our current host is up (before March 1), but I was planning on doing it ahead of time anyways :)

Now on to the thank-yous :)
This is a list of forum members who have donated to help us move, I really appreciate your help, you are wonderful!

--blue soup

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Re: Donations Needed -- Switching Hosting Providers
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2007, 01:15:26 PM »
Jessica, sweet, sorry about the extended downtime, but life tends to get in the way of the really fun stuff!  I'll be coming to the rescue in about a week or so, plus buying a more powerful computer (liquid cooled, no less).  I got tired of not being able to run my game at its full potential, so the new computer was necessary.
"An idea is salvation by imagination"--Frank Lloyd Wright

Offline Jessica

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Re: Donations NO LONGER Needed -- Switching Hosting Providers
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2007, 02:15:05 PM »
well we reached our goal.
Thank you so much to our donators:
blue soup
I will be removing the donation page now and telling our hosted sites that they no longer need the donation button up on theirs.
I will update this thread again when I have a more definitive date on when we will be switching hosts.

You guys are wonderful  :hug :smooch

Offline Jessica

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Re: Donations NO LONGER Needed -- Switching Hosting Providers
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2007, 02:59:42 AM »
Yay we made it a year :)
Happy Birthday to us  :party  :lol
I will be purchasing the new hosting and moving our sites starting on the 13th.
The forum will be locked or completely down to avoid new posts/registrations from getting lost in the move.
I dont know how long it will take to move us all so please be patient.

I hope you all are enjoying the birthday gifts and the failed contest prizes :)

Offline Jessica

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Re: Donations NO LONGER Needed -- Switching Hosting Providers
« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2007, 03:31:17 PM »
Wow I can't believe it! I finally got the forum back up :)

Ok it took a few days to move everything over; I was more focused on getting the other sites we host up and running before this one. Once all of their sites were moved and working properly, I worked on our site. It didnt take long to get our homepage up and running but the forum on the other hand took forever!! I was about to start screaming at my monitor it was so frustrating lol
But finally it's back up.
Ok if you notice anything got broken during the move, please report the post or send me a pm.

I am sorry the downtime was so long, but hopefully we won't have to experience anything like that again lol