Okay, here goes. I've been playing this character in my game for a while now, and both my eldest daughter and my Jamie both kept pestering me to share him with all of you...but I'm still reluctant. Sim building isn't what I do, I kept saying. But he's so cute, they kept saying.
So, I figure, what the heck? I'll share my favorite character (besides my self sim and my Jamie sim) and if y'all like him, cool! If not...cool! He's based on my favorite anime character, Yagami Light from 'Death Note'.
Eyecolor: by BelleAnge from this site.
Blush: by Heleane at MTS2
Eyeshadow: by IcedMango at TSR
Lipstick and the piercing (labret): by Heleane at MTS2
Haircolor and Hair mesh: by Rose at
www.rosesims2.net (included)
I'm really nervous about this, so let me know what y'all think...and be honest!