This is one of those homes that surprise you when you see it in the Deep South because it looks so out of place...unless you live here. In many old towns and cities across the Bible Belt, homes like this one were some of the first ones built. As people followed the burgeoning railroad, as well as the cotton and food harvests, homes like this one were commonly used as 'flophouses'. Once people began to stay longer and longer in one place, however, they were sold as 'duplex' style rowhouses. One couldn't rightly live in a flophouse, now could one?
Each side has two large bedrooms, which can easily be converted into more, two large bathrooms, and its own garage. Each side is separate from the other, making this home ideal for those two-family lots, or as a dorm for your Uni sims. I placed this lot in my Uni neighborhood, rezoned it, and its wonderful!
There is only one bit of custom content, a victorian fence by Holy Simoly. This is an awesome site, so check it out at Welcome Home
ADDENDUM: This home is also now easily converted into an apartment simply by adding some apartment doors and rezoning the lot. Enjoy!