Another heavily animated mesh. I think I’m getting better at animating long hair – the beck part moves, but no longer sticks in weird angels, or at last does that rarely

This mesh has two blond recolors – I couldn’t decide on a shade I want to make, so I packed both.
Polygons: 1790
Layers: 9
Programs used: Milk Shape, Photoshop, Unimesh Pl.
Textures: Hand painted by me.
Ages: Teen – Adult (yes, this mesh has a teen version )
Ages not covered: Recolored to match the color of adult hair
Recolors: 6 colors, all but silver are color categorized, and in proper bins.
Recolor policy: You may recolor this mesh, edit the alphas any way you want, and share your recolor safely. But I’ll be grateful if you show me what you’ve done
Mesh policy: do mot redistribute the mesh, give a link to this tread.
Refits: I do not allow gender refits (NO FEMAIL VERSIONS), but if someone wants to do an age refit, I won’t mind.
edited by jessica: fixed broken attachments